Pregnancy-friendly foods: When to expect and how to request?

Pregnancy foods are an important necessity to guarantee the health of both the mother and the baby during pregnancy.

Regulated by Law No. 11.804/2008, they provide the financial assistance needed to cover pregnancy-related costs.

This article provides information on the timing and process for requesting food, with a focus on guidelines for lawyers handling Family Law cases.

What are pregnancy-friendly foods?

Gravidic foods refer to the financial assistance provided by the alleged father to the pregnant woman to cover the expenses related to childbirth throughout the gestational phase.

The needs involve medical check-ups, medicine, specific diet, mental health monitoring, and other costs to ensure the well-being of the mother and child.

As stated in Article 2 of Law No. 11.804/2008.

The food covered by Law no 11.804/2008 includes necessary expenses during pregnancy, such as special food, medical care, examinations, hospitalizations, childbirth, and prescribed medications, as determined by a doctor.

The article discusses the portion of expenses related to food that the expectant father should cover, in line with the financial resources of both parties.

Gravidic foods can be transformed into regular support post-birth if requested by the concerned individual, in accordance with Law no. 11.804/2008, article 6, paragraph 1.

Basis in the law:

The judge will establish prenatal support based on the signs of paternity, taking into account the claimant’s needs and the defendant’s capabilities, as stated in Article 6 of Law no. 11.804/2008.

Gravidic foods are transformed into support for the child from birth until one party seeks a review.

When are pregnancy foods expected?

Pregnancy foods are required when the expectant mother shows signs of paternity, providing minimal evidence suggesting a connection with the alleged father.

It is not essential to establish paternity definitively at this point, as the focus is on safeguarding the welfare of the child.

The requirements for concession include:

  • Evidence of the connection between the pregnant woman and the presumed father, like communication exchanges, photos, or witness accounts, serves as an initial confirmation.
  • Evidence of the requirements of expecting mothers and fetuses throughout pregnancy.

What expenses can be paid for with maternity foods?

Pregnancy-friendly foods can address the following expenses:

  • Prenatal check-ups.
  • Suggested medications and supplements.
  • Feed that is unique or distinctive.
  • Clothing and hygiene products for the expectant mother.
  • Transportation provided for appointments and medical tests.

When is the last day to apply for pregnancy-related food assistance?

Law no. 11.804/2008 does not stipulate a particular time limit for requesting pregnancy support.

The request can be made at any point during pregnancy, as long as the necessity is proven and all legal criteria are met.

It is best to make the request early in pregnancy to ensure the health of both the mother and the baby.

How much is the maternity benefit amount?

Law no. 11,804/2008 does not set a specific amount for pregnancy expenses.

The judge will assess the value using the principle of proportionality, taking into account:

  • Pregnant women and unborn children are entitled to necessary expenses for pregnancy, including special food, medical appointments, tests, medications, and other essential costs for their health and well-being.
  • The supposed father’s financial capability must align with the socioeconomic status of both individuals, as determined by the judge in the specific case.

The amount will be determined based on the documents provided and the judge’s assessment, without a fixed pattern or percentage.

How can I order food suitable for pregnant women?

The demand for pregnancy-specific foods must be made through a particular legal process, which involves:

The original request must include the names of the individuals involved, the evidence of the father-child relationship, and the estimated financial requirements. Preliminary proof of the connection and financial necessities should also be provided.

Required documents include medical records, receipts for medications and food expenses, and any other proof of pregnancy-related costs.

The Defendant’s statement will be cited for his defense.

The judge can order provisional financial support for the pregnant woman based on the evidence provided, pending confirmation of paternity.

Imagem: GernotBra/StockVault

Jurisprudence concerning pregnancy diets

The law requires the provision of food for the unborn child to be fixed based on the pregnant woman’s needs and abilities, and can be revised with sufficient justification at any time.

The award of gravidic foods requires demonstrating “paternity signs” as per Law No. 11.804/08. The examination of such requests should not be overly strict to avoid misinterpreting the law. Previous cases have shown that messages exchanged between parties can support claims of fatherhood and justify granting gravidic foods. Specific details about the defendant’s financial situation are needed for setting the amount of support.

Tips for attorneys handling cases involving pregnant women’s food.

Ensure that the initial request contains strong evidence of the relationship between the parties, such as messages, photos, or witness testimonies. Also provide evidence of pregnancy-related costs, like receipts for appointments, medications, and tests.

Whenever feasible, attempt to settle the matter outside of court beforehand to prevent unnecessary conflicts, minimize emotional strain on the expectant mother, and expedite access to resources.

Guide the pregnant woman to maintain thorough records of medical costs, transportation, and nutrition during pregnancy, and advise her to gather medical documentation supporting dietary requirements.

Gravidic foods can be automatically transformed into alimony after the child’s birth, as stated in Article 6, single paragraph, of Law No. 11.804/2008.

Be ready to present arguments based on the evidence provided in cases where the alleged father denies paternity, emphasizing that conclusive proof of paternity is not required initially.

Clearly inform the customer about the rights and responsibilities of both parties, avoiding unrealistic expectations. Maintain a professional yet friendly tone to provide reassurance and confidence throughout the case follow-up.

Use precise and technical language in a detailed petition, focusing on the legal basis and past decisions supporting the request. Additionally, make sure to ask for child support to be adjusted according to the alleged father’s financial situation.

Request the immediate provision of financial support for pregnant women by ordering the inclusion of essential foods in a court order when urgency and sufficient evidence are present.

Evaluate both the case and the client’s profile to develop strategies that safeguard the interests of the pregnant individual, the alleged father, and prioritize the protection of the unborn child.

Essential nutrition for pregnant women and their unborn babies

Gravidic foods serve as a lawful method to safeguard expectant mothers and their unborn children, promoting a secure and healthy pregnancy.

Understanding this institution is crucial for lawyers to offer effective legal assistance to their clients, safeguarding their rights and promoting equilibrium in family dynamics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do gravidic foods refer to?
What expenses can be paid for with maternal nutrition?
When is the deadline to apply for maternity food assistance?