Why are the leading law firms turning to HighQ for innovation?

Innovation is a challenging process for many companies, as they struggle to stay ahead by adopting new behaviors and technologies.

Thomson Reuters frequently observes these offices utilizing HighQ to facilitate their most groundbreaking innovations. To delve into the how and why, we interview Ben Firth, Director of Sales and Customer Success at Thomson Reuters in Europe.

What do law firms typically look for that prompts them to choose HighQ?

They have encountered legal technology challenges in the past, possibly developing their own solutions or seeking specific problem-solving tools without success. The key advantage of HighQ is its versatility in addressing various issues without requiring users to have advanced technical knowledge.

Innovative law firms pay attention to their competitors and how they address similar issues. They view HighQ as the top legal technology platform, offering various functions like LPM, transaction management, and billing, with the capability to exceed initial expectations.

Is there a particular requirement that occurs more frequently than others?

You require a secure collaboration tool that can store your information securely and enable customers to interact with it on a secure platform.

Customers desire a collaboration platform but encounter significant challenges in portfolio management. Once the law firm’s initial needs are addressed, they grasp HighQ on a deeper level and their usage scenarios develop rapidly. Unlimited possibilities emerge.

Where are the most innovative law firms heading when they recognize the importance of approaching things uniquely within the HighQ?

Once integrated into the company, progress can be rapid. Law firms frequently adopt the platform to showcase their clients’ experiences and attract customers with promises of secure, cloud-based services available around the clock. This approach has become a standard practice for these firms to effectively leverage their services.

The appropriate technology can deliver customers with the necessary solutions at the right moment. Discover how to adopt a creative strategy towards legal technology.

Do companies take a considerable amount of time to move past the initial implementation stage?

The key difference is that the time from signing to the start of operations is minimal. Unlike other methods that may take months or weeks to begin, with HighQ, new offices can conduct transactions with customers within days. Extensive project planning and large implementation teams are not required, as HighQ delivers results swiftly.

Do you have to present something innovative to law firms to encourage creative thinking?

The most cutting-edge law firms are demonstrating the potential for innovation. Thanks to advancements in the industry, firms are now investing in legal technology expertise, enhancing the capabilities of platforms like HighQ.

New functionalities have been observed on the social media accounts of a company, showcasing their unique abilities that may go unnoticed by those unfamiliar with HighQ.

What leads to the perception of the value of HighQ?

The platform features two components that appear to spark ideas and opportunities for individuals. One is iwoven, structured databases that enable data collection from within the office and also from customers. These databases contain clean and standardized data, which can be used to create visualizations, workflows, document automation, and trigger actions/alerts.

Workflow enables us to connect different modules in the platform, leading to numerous potential outcomes and efficiencies.

Innovative law firms quickly recognize how to apply new ideas in cases and proposals, as using the platform is intuitive and as easy as using a common social media platform, sparking a flow of ideas.

Can companies achieve more with HighQ without necessarily increasing complexity as they expand its usage?

Sophistication naturally grows over time as law firms approach us with numerous ideas, which we carefully guide and select a few key areas to focus on. Once they achieve success, conversations about expanding further unfold organically. Subsequently, they grasp the tool well enough to independently devise solutions through HighQ.

Does the drive for innovation play a significant role in technology adoption within the sector, and is it primarily driven by leadership or user input?

It is not strictly from top to bottom, but more like “starting from the middle and going upwards.”

Many leading law firms take on the role of innovation managers, responsible for implementing new ideas successfully rather than simply persuading leadership to change.

The leadership acknowledges the significant transformation in the role of the IT team in response to customers’ increasing demand for advanced technical expertise and a seamless technological experience that aligns with their expectations from other aspects of life.

Technology departments and innovation managers can support the process, but it’s essential to note that lawyers can also drive changes on the platform without having to be involved in every project aspect.

Changing people’s behavior is frequently identified as a challenging aspect of innovation. How do thriving businesses tackle the task of integration?

The HighQ is typically designed to address a specific challenge centered on a team, which serves as its primary user group. As the team works to overcome the challenge, growth occurs naturally. Once the initial implementation is successful, the company’s success story starts to circulate within the organization.

Suppose you are an office aiming to project an image of innovation. What is the initial step to take?

Companies should assess their existing tools and technologies to address their current needs before making new purchases. This analysis can help drive the innovation needed to solve technological challenges effectively.

Discover how HighQ can set your law firm apart at every step of your client’s experience.

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