Legal Risk Map Driven by Accurate Data

Living in a Data-Driven reality involves managing your business and making decisions based on data. This approach can also be applied in the legal field to ensure accurate decision-making.

Is your office a data-driven organization? Do you use graphic indicators to map customer risks? What visual analytics software do you use? What is your team’s training in legal data science? If these questions make you ponder, this article is for you.

I previously discussed Visual Law and shared advice for recent graduates in past articles.

I would like to share a real-life example of using “visual analytics” in Law, particularly in the process management of a law firm. It began with a young lawyer, Dr. Aglaupy Oliveira, who was looking for innovative ways to handle cases and satisfy clients at the Corona and Bio Sociedade de Advogados office. It’s worth recognizing their successful approach as it could be beneficial for others facing similar challenges.

Dr. Aglaupy, who inspired our case study, has been exploring innovative approaches in law for the past year. He delved into the application of data science in the legal field, undertaking courses, attending seminars, and immersing himself in relevant literature. Despite thorough preparation, he realized the importance of practical experience. Seeking to translate his knowledge into action, he started following Thomson Reuters’ webinar series on jurimetry and visual law. This led him to discover the Legal One Analytics platform, a specialized Business Intelligence system for the legal sector.

The office quickly started utilizing the tool and promptly began working on its initial cases, the first of which involved implementing a template for a “processual risk map.” Let’s discuss this further. Have you ever considered organizing your client’s portfolio using a dashboard that narrates a story, detailing how the client’s administrative and legal cases are segmented based on volume, geographic distribution, case outcomes, average costs, portfolio progress, with visual comparisons and the option to add insights, conclusions, and final thoughts? This can be customized to match your preferences or your client’s branding, and it’s conveniently prepared for you to easily replicate in your workflow!

Corona and Bio realized they needed to change how they presented their results, opting for a more structured approach with data storytelling and appropriate visualizations for each key performance indicator. They discovered a tool in the market that could assist them in this task, making the process easier than starting from scratch.

Legal One Analytics stands out for its use of templates, which are pre-configured graphic reports that seamlessly integrate with legal databases. These templates cover various legal management areas like content management, contracts, legal efficiency, financial management, office areas, audits, and visual law, allowing for the application of graphical dashboards specific to each area.

Imagem: wal_172619/PixaBay

Dashboard displaying different office sections as an illustration.

Automatically integrate your reports with pre-configured dashboards for daily updates. Customize, share, edit, and create your own indicators and dashboards with Legal One Analytics by Thomson Reuters, enhancing your legal data science skills and career prospects.

Join our webinar on June 30 at 10am to learn more about the “Risk Map” used by Corona and Bio Advogados office. Dr. Aglaupy will discuss a success case. Follow Thomson Reuters on social media for more free content and webinars. Your success story could be next!