Does my company have to submit the Salary Transparency Report? What information is required to create it?

A new government requirement introduced in 2023 has raised numerous questions: the biannual submission of the Salary Transparency Report for its staff members.

The rule applies to companies with a large workforce, not all companies. Is your company included? Verify the legal requirements.

Which companies have been impacted?

According to Sebrae’s website, a large company is typically defined as having at least 100 employees in the business or services sector. In the case of industries, a company needs to have 500 employees or more to be considered large. Hence, in Brazil, an industry with 100 to 499 employees is classified as medium-sized.

Based on these values, it can be concluded that the companies subject to the wage transparency report requirement are large in the trades and services sector and medium-sized in the industries sector.

In other words, any company with 100 or more employees must create and submit a report on family requirements to the Emprega More Portal.

What are the dates by which we need to send it?

The Salary Transparency Report must be submitted twice a year, in March and August, starting on the first day of the month and ending on the 30th day.

The Ministry of Labour and Employment mandates that this statement must be submitted promptly, making it extremely important to meet the deadline.

What is the necessity for this report?

These documents from businesses serve as a method to oversee and assess the criteria set for the salary ranges in Brazil.

The goal of this initiative is to encourage openness in corporate pay policies in order to guarantee equitable wages.

The requirement for publication determination is new and comes from the enactment of Law 14.611 in 2023. The explicit aim is to promote equality, as reflected in the verbs used.

What occurs when wage disparity is recognized within the organization?

If wage disparities or payment standards are found in the hiring of a private company, the company must create and execute a plan to address the issue, setting goals and deadlines. This plan should involve input from union representatives and employees at the workplace.

What happens if a company fails to release the report?

In case the report is not submitted within the specified timeframe, an administrative penalty will be imposed. This penalty can be up to 3% of the employer’s payroll, with a maximum limit of 100 minimum wages. This is in addition to any penalties for wage discrimination based on gender.

Hence, it is crucial for every company to be connected promptly and have the necessary documents prepared, as the document must be sent domestically with current information.

How can I properly send the material?

Certainly! Emprega Brasil uploaded a video on YouTube explaining the proper way to submit the report. Be sure to take a look!

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