In today’s technological era, data holds significant value in the market as it provides accurate insights into different areas. In the field of advocacy, gathering and analyzing data can enhance processes within legal practices.
Jurimetry assists managers in effectively optimizing resources, enhancing strategies, and improving financial and time management, which are crucial aspects in a lawyer’s life.
Statistics can assist advocacy professionals in gaining a broader comprehension of the legal landscape. By analyzing data, future attorneys can provide more precise answers and attain favorable outcomes, thereby gaining a competitive edge in the industry.
Jurimetry is the use of technology and data analysis in legal practice, offering various features and advantages to law firms beyond just its definition.
What does jurimetry refer to?
Jurimetry is the legal field that examines data and utilizes statistical analysis to support theses and arguments, aiding in decision-making processes.
Legal metrics, known as jurimetry, examine diverse legal areas to determine trends in judicial decisions and case progression times for strategic case management. Various data points can be analyzed to devise effective strategies tailored to each case.
What is the significance of jurimetry in legal practice?
Jurimetry is on the rise due to the increased integration of technology in legal settings and the introduction of electronic processes. Utilizing artificial intelligence to create databases enables the extraction and analysis of public court information, facilitating the conversion of data into insightful reports on specific subjects.
Lawyers use data from systems to provide clients with more accurate predictions and increase the likelihood of success in legal proceedings.
The strategy may seem promising yet complex, but it’s not as difficult as it appears. Thomson Reuters and Visual Law can assist you in this process of knowledge development.
How is jurimetry connected to Visual Law?
Jurimetry supplies the necessary data for legal offices, whereas Visual Law offers a more straightforward and user-friendly method for legal information.
Jurimetry and Visual Law work together to create data visualizations that convey information to lawyers. Thomson Reuters, in collaboration with Juristec+, developed Legal One Analytics, the first Business Intelligence legal platform in Brazil, to systematize these techniques.
Legal One Analytics utilizes jurimetry in its operations.
Legal One Analytics seeks to convert data into valuable insights by combining cutting-edge data analysis tools with legal expertise to enhance the management of legal practices.
Accessing Legal One Analytics allows lawyers to utilize data for analysis, enhancing their decision-making process with logical reasoning and increasing their safety and effectiveness. This is made possible through user-friendly tools that allow for data exploration, organization, and the creation of legal indicators and graphics dashboards.
The data on the regions with the highest condemnation index and the amount received in a specific month from agreements can be easily accessed with just a few clicks.
Discover some of the benefits provided by Legal One Analytics for law firms.
- Based on making decisions.
- Data management autonomy and a vision for analysis.
- Comprehensive view of the procedures conducted.
- Customers have access to legal intelligence.
Explore further into Visual Law to enhance your understanding of this groundbreaking legal method!
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