Characteristics, regulations, and practical advice for lawyers participating in Aquests at the end.

The last participation regime in the aquests is one of the options outlined in the Brazilian Civil Code for managing asset division in a long-term marriage or partnership.

It is a choice that blends elements of different property regimes, like complete separation and partial community of assets, providing flexibility and financial security for married couples.

This article will outline the definition, features, regulations, and process of share division in the final participation regime in divorce cases, along with practical advice for attorneys specializing in Family Law.

What does Final Participation in Aquests mean?

The ultimate involvement in the aquests functions like complete asset separation during the marriage.

During this time, each partner retains control, possession, and sole ownership of their assets acquired before or during the marriage.

In case of the end of the marital partnership due to divorce or death, the assets obtained during the marriage are split equally between the spouses.

This system is regulated by Articles 1,72 to 1,686 of the Civil Code and is applicable exclusively through a voided agreement.

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What are Aquestos?

Aquesos are items acquired through purchase during the marriage, such as:

  • Real estate acquired using the personal funds of one or both partners during the marriage;
  • Vehicles purchased as a set;
  • Investment income or any expenditures made during the marriage, as long as they are substantial.

Inherited, gifted, or pre-marital assets are not seen as an issue.

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What are the key features of Final Participation in Aquests?

  • Each spouse has the freedom to manage their own assets independently during the marriage, without requiring approval from the other.
  • Only assets acquired during marriage are eligible for sharing, while those received through donation or inheritance are considered individual property of each spouse.
  • The selection of this arrangement needs to be documented in a formal antenuptial agreement prepared by a notary public.
  • The flexible regime combines elements of heritage protection and sharing of assets, making it suitable for couples seeking independence during marriage but fairness in case of separation.

What are the guidelines for sharing under the Final Participation Regime in Aquests?

In case of marriage termination, the plan includes the following guidelines:

  • The amounts are computed and distributed evenly.
  • Each partner is entitled to 50% of the assets bought individually, regardless of the purchaser.
  • Debts incurred for the couple’s benefit are taken into account when settling the assets.

During the marriage, any property acquired will be divided between the spouses, regardless of which spouse is listed as the sole owner.

Advantages and drawbacks of the Final Participation Regime in Aquests.


  • Safeguarding personal assets obtained before marriage.
  • Ensuring a fair distribution of assets obtained together.
  • Decrease of property disputes during dissolution.


  • Investigating questions can be complex, especially when dealing with assets acquired from different marriages.
  • Formal prenuptial agreements are necessary, but they may lead to extra expenses.
  • Dealing with debts acquired during marriage can be challenging, especially when they are jointly owned.

Lawyers can follow a detailed guide on participating in the Final Participation Scheme.

When a marriage ends and the spouses cannot agree on dividing their assets, they can pursue a partition action.

This procedure necessitates careful planning and consideration of legal and probate specifics. Here is a detailed guide to assist your clients:

Initial examination of the case

Analyze the items acquired during the marriage before taking any steps to identify which ones can be considered assets.

Inform the client that the inquiries concern items purchased at a high cost during the marriage, and do not include inheritances, gifts, or personal belongings.

Document preparation and gathering

Ask the customer to provide all necessary documentation to verify the purchase of the goods, including titles, agreements, receipts, and payment records.

These papers are essential for proving where goods come from and how expensive they are.

Initial Petition Preparation

Include in the first request:

  • Detailed description of the items to be distributed.
  • Evidence in the form of a documentary that describes the characteristics of goods.
  • Request for the judge to decide on the inquiry of the issues and their evaluation in the market.

Calculation and assessment of Aquests

The judge may ask for an expert evaluation during the legal process to establish:

  • What items comprise the aquests effectively?
  • The current market price of each item.

It is crucial to closely monitor the assessment at that point to safeguard the client’s interests.

Conciliation Meeting

Before making a final decision, the judge may schedule a conciliation meeting to help the parties reach an agreement and speed up the process, thereby preventing long disputes.

Judgment made by a court

If there is no consensus, the judge will decide how the assets will be distributed, typically aiming for an equal division.

Proof of certain circumstances, like unequal financial contributions or debts held by one spouse, can change this ratio.

Judgmental greetings

Guide the customer on the steps to register the sharing and complete the transfer of goods after the final decision.

This systematic approach ensures a transparent and methodical handling of the sharing process, safeguarding client rights and guaranteeing that the allocation of assets is done equitably and in accordance with legal standards.

Um casal consultando um advogado sobre o regime de Participação Final nos Aquestos.
Imagem: TomasHa73/Pexels

Practical advice for lawyers on effectively participating in Aquests: Final.

It is important to use tactics that avoid conflicts and ensure a smooth process when assisting customers in participating in the final shareholding scheme.

Here are useful suggestions for increased legal protection.

Eastward on the Antenupial Treaty

Before tying the knot, it is crucial to emphasize to clients the significance of a thorough prenuptial agreement. A precise and straightforward agreement can prevent disagreements down the road.

This document may outline particular scenarios, such as methods for distributing certain assets or deviations from the equal division principle.

Include specific clauses tailored to the couple’s requirements, outlining the categorization of assets and addressing typical conflicts.

Encouraging the organization of documents.

Advise your clients to maintain well-organized documentation of all items bought during their marriage, such as purchase agreements, receipts, payment records, and, if available, evaluations of the items.

Proof of where the goods come from and whether they are expensive or free is necessary for the proper resolution of the inquiries.

Create a checklist during the event with the required documents and advise guests on how to keep them safe during the wedding.

Trading that is easy to find or locate.

Encourage negotiation, mediation, or conciliation whenever feasible. Resolving heritage matters amicably helps to minimize expenses, time, and emotional strain for all involved.

Consider using methods like extrajudicial mediation or arbitration for situations that can be settled without involving the courts.

Think about seeking advice on taxes

Examine the tax consequences of sharing assets, especially in cases with significant value or assets that have appreciated greatly.

Issues like ITCMD, capital gains tax, and real estate regularization need to be thoroughly examined.

Collaborate with accountants or tax experts to ensure that the asset division is carried out in a tax-efficient and compliant way.

Follow the steps proactively.

Keep the client updated on every step of the process, providing explanations on the required legal decisions and procedures.

Prevent potential issues by preparing strategies to address them, like gathering extra evidence, knowledge, or technical viewpoints.

It is possible to carry out stock transactions more efficiently by using these methods, which safeguard the customer’s interests and minimize the effects of property disputes.

The lawyer’s involvement in the final stage of Aquests’ participation.

The final participation in these arrangements is a regime of heritage that blends independence and fairness, catering to couples who prioritize financial autonomy during marriage and an equitable split in case of separation.

It provides a flexible and secure option for managing marital assets by combining elements of complete separation and partial sharing of goods.

Lawyers must grasp the intricacies of this system as it requires particular abilities, such as drafting prenuptial agreements and handling stock transactions.

Technical expertise and implementation of preventative and problem-solving approaches, such as document management, conflict resolution, and tax assessment, are crucial factors in safeguarding client interests and effectively managing legal proceedings.

Therefore, demonstrating skill in this area enables the provision of top-quality legal services and the fostering of security and peace during crucial moments in the financial life of married couples.

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