Attracting Generation Z talent is the new challenge for businesses. Discover what companies should do to succeed in this endeavor.

Generations of attorneys are evolving with time, as the retirement of baby boomers is significantly influencing the practice of law. In Brazil, there are now more lawyers than ever before.

The rapid digital transformation we are experiencing has not only simplified tasks but also expanded the job market due to emerging conflicts in this new environment.

Employers are looking for new talents who are well-versed in digital language and are familiar with both the advantages and disadvantages.

Generation Z refers to professionals who were born between 1995 and 2005 and have recently completed their law degree.

These trends intersect with each other.

  • the educational hub for Generation Z professionals;
  • Their most significant requirement is meaningful employment.
  • outsourcing of less complex legal tasks.

This is beneficial for legal employers as it complements the challenging and intellectual work they provide, making them more appealing to attract, hire, and retain Generation Z lawyers.

Distinguishing Characteristics of Generation Z and Millennials

Professionals born between 1980 and 1984, known as the Millennial generation, continue to dominate the advocacy market. They are widely considered the primary generation that clients trust and connect with.

Perhaps the most reasonable solution for companies facing rapidly changing circumstances is to focus on hiring and working with Generation Z lawyers, as they possess certain qualities that make them well-suited for the task.

Learning opportunities

Generation Z professionals are considered the most well-prepared generation in history due to their upbringing in a digitally mature society, unlike previous generations who experienced the internet as a fantasy leading to disappointment.

Generation Z is adept at utilizing technology, analyzing digital data, and confidently harnessing technology tools. Additionally, they benefit from high-quality remote learning opportunities.

It also looks for different methods to acquire the knowledge and skills they want beyond conventional higher education. They utilize video tutorials, online courses, and hands-on experiences to customize their education based on their individual objectives.

Business Vision

Generation Z attorneys are more adept at handling risks in decision-making compared to Millennials due to their experience of the financial instability faced by the Millennial generation during the 2008 real estate bubble crisis.

Generational trauma leads to decisions that are more informed and based on realistic data.


Millennials do not see a contradiction between the business world and social causes, unlike previous generations. Generation Z appreciates socially responsible companies and understands how to progress in their careers within such organizations.

Generation Z sees new job opportunities as a means to support causes that align with their values, rather than relying on a company to make a positive impact on society.

They view diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a necessity, not simply a perk.

How to appeal to Generation Z when recruiting attorneys and legal professionals

Generation Z expects employers to prioritize well-being, ethical and transparent leadership, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). To attract them more effectively, large companies should be ready to take specific actions.

Create personal relationships between potential candidates and hiring managers.

Generation Z job seekers prioritize their relationship with the individual handling recruitment when deciding whether to accept a job offer and look into references from current or former employees to learn more about potential employers.

Generation Z candidates prioritize in-person interaction and appreciate career resources and recruitment gatherings provided by their schools more than Millennials.

Investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion as a brand strategy.

Generation Z highly values diversity in various forms, including perspectives, backgrounds, and demographics. They particularly prioritize observing diversity among top company leaders, as it demonstrates that individuals they can relate to can thrive in that environment.

Legal employers prioritize developing a captivating story that conveys the company’s identity to the market through various channels, such as the website and recruitment marketing strategies.

To make sure that DEI is integrated into your company’s brand, it’s crucial to communicate how the culture promotes inclusion. Ways to achieve this and show transparency at the same time include:

  • Record videos featuring employees from various positions to humanize the company and provide an authentic glimpse into its work culture.
  • Record a podcast featuring top-level executives discussing their thoughts for the benefit of the wider community.
  • Share tips on how to excel in an organization by discussing the cultural values, attitudes, and workplace behaviors that leaders look for in their company’s up-and-coming talents.

Advocacy involves effectively managing limited resources and budgets, making it crucial for employer legal operations to strategically attract Generation Z talent.

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