Future legal developments over the next five years.

We have brought together specialists in law and technology for a private online event to talk about the upcoming trends in the legal field over the next five years. This discussion will focus on how future changes and market advancements can help enhance the strategic positioning and planning of your office or legal department.

The event took place on January 20, 2022, with Gustavo Vieira, Isabela Ferrari, and Rui Caminha participating, moderated by Alexandre Zavaglia. The main subjects discussed included:

  • The evolution of legal practice in the judiciary due to technological advancements
  • Jurymetry and scientific examination of legal issues
  • Visual Law and the democratization of legal communication is discussed in the text.
  • Law automation and technology

The technology and evolution of legal practice in the judiciary.

The judiciary must reconsider and revamp its work methods, with technology playing a key role. An outcome of the pandemic is the introduction of the Virtual Counter, enabling judiciary services to be conducted through video calls.

In the webinar, Federal Judge Isabela Ferrari highlighted two key factors that will shape changes in judicial work: information and artificial intelligence (AI).

The justice system has a lengthy process for entering and exiting, with many delays. To speed up conflict resolution, it is suggested to encourage settlements.

An online dispute resolution system (ODR) is a valuable tool for handling routine and less complicated legal matters, emphasizing the significance of accessibility and information (Big Data) throughout the process.

With the aid of software, technology provides essential data for resolving cases that are similar, ultimately aiding in the justice system.

Artificial Intelligence helps judges draft sentences more efficiently by categorizing cases, finding similarities, and extracting key information, leading to quicker resolution with fewer errors and boosting judicial productivity.

Quer melhorar a argumentação jurídica no seu Órgão Público? Utilize a Revista dos Tribunais Online. Saiba mais.
Imagem: GernotBra/KaboomPics

Jurymetry and the scientific examination of legal issues

Another current trend in the market involves jurimetry, which entails utilizing statistical analysis in the legal field to anticipate outcomes and assess probabilities. It is crucial to have legal software that consolidates this information and files for practical implementation.

Rui Caminha, a lawyer and innovation entrepreneur, suggested that new professionals have an advantage of being inexperienced but having an open mind.

Transforme seus dados em informações relevantes para o negócio. Conheça o Legal One Analytics aqui.
Imagem: stephmcblack/FreeImages

Visual Law and the empowerment of legal communication

Laws evolve and grow more intricate over time, emphasizing the importance of maintaining clear communication from clients to judges. This has led to the increasing importance of Visual Law.

Design techniques are utilized to enhance legal communication by clarifying information, employing colors and graphics to simplify messages, and increase accessibility to legal concepts.

Quer aprender mais sobre o Visual Law e suas aplicações? Baixe nosso e-book gratuito aqui.
Imagem: astrovariable/UnPlash

Law automation and technology

Technology and digital advancements have enhanced the efficiency and organization of law offices and departments, allowing lawyers to concentrate on client relations and strategic tasks rather than manual operational duties.

Areas of technology-related law experience accelerated growth, as exemplified by the General Data Protection Law’s impact on legal practice and academia according to lawyer and university professor Gustavo Silveira.

Digital transformation also impacts the academic programs of universities and law schools, requiring academics to be proficient not only in legal technical matters but also in utilizing market technology tools and staying abreast of professional trends.

Automatize seus processos com o Legal One. Saiba mais.

Are you prepared?

To learn more about how to keep up with these trends, watch the meeting recording for guidance on preparing for the future of Law by enhancing your strategic positioning and planning in your office or legal department.

Tendências do universo jurídico para os próximos 5 anos