The forensic recess at the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG) is a time when normal court proceedings are halted, providing legal professionals with a planned pause.
The legal process continues without interruption, and a system for handling urgent matters is in place for both initial and subsequent reviews.
This article provides comprehensive details on the regulations and functions of the court system, including procedural time limits, operating hours during breaks, and processes for obtaining certificates and submitting online requests at TJMG during the recess.
Forensic break during Civil Procedure Code: Regulations, immediate actions, and time management
Which topics are examined in the Judicial Plant of the 1st and 2nd Instance of the TJMG?
Urgent requests in the 1st and 2nd Instance plantation are assessed promptly without waiting for regular operations to resume.
As per Article 2, Section 1, of the Collaborative Decree 1626/2024:
Planting will take place at the TJMG Secretariat from December 20, 2024, at 8 a.m. to January 6, 2025, at 6 p.m., and at the judgment secretaries and auxiliary services of the forum’s management from December 19, 2024, at 6 p.m. to January 7, 2025, at 8 a.m., to fulfill:
The urgent measures outlined in Articles 214 and 215 of the Civil Procedure Code, including matters within the jurisdiction of Special Judges and their appeal fees, will be processed and evaluated promptly in the First Instance Court.
Urgent actions regarding paragraph “h” of paragraph 1 of this article will be submitted by the planting station directly to the President of the TJMG or their legal substitute for consideration.
Forensic break at TJRJ 2024/2025: Regulations and Court Infrastructure
What are the issues not examined in the Judicial Plant of the 1st and 2nd Instance of the TJMG?
The plantation does not handle non-urgent matters and may postpone them until the end of the TJMG forensic recess as specified in the Joint Decree 1626/2024.
During the planting season mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article:
Repeating or asking again for previous requests will not be welcomed, unless they involve urgent measures outlined in this Joint Office.
No procedural actions will be carried out, except for urgent matters.
Procedural measures will not be published in the electronic judiciary journal by the Secretariats of Justice at the First and Second Instance levels.
Forensic break at TJSP 2024/2025: How it operates and what are the regulations?
What days were the deadlines in TJMG paused?
The procedural deadlines in the TJMG will be put on hold from December 20, 2024, to January 6, 2025, as stated in Article 2 of the Joint Decree 1626/2024.
Between December 20, 2024, and January 6, 2025, there will be a halt in court proceedings, deadlines, judgments, decisions, and party subpoenas in the First and Second Instance Courts of Minas Gerais.
Procedural deadlines are on hold until January 20, 2025.
Examine the content of the artwork. The 24th Ordinance lists the specific exceptions mentioned.
From January 7 to January 20, 2025, in the First and Second Degree Courts of Minas Gerais State.
Procedural deadlines are suspended, except for specific measures outlined in the Joint Decree.
Criminal Forensics (CPP): Immediate actions and ways to calculate time limits
What are the operating hours during the forensic recess at TJMG?
During the break in forensic proceedings at TJMG, the document will be:
- TJMG Secretary’s hours are from 8am until 12/2024 to 6/01/2025.
- Secretarial and support services at the forum office will be available from 6 pm on December 19, 2024, until 8 am on January 7, 2025.
Legal foundation: Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Combined Decree number 1626/2024.
How will the certificate issuance process be managed during the Judicial Plant of TJMG?
The procedure for issuing certificates during the TJMG forensic break is outlined in Article 4 of the Joint Decree No. 1626/2024.
Certificates needed urgently while Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of this Joint Office is being discussed must be provided.
I – on the TJMG Portal, for negative certificates.
II – Office of the Secretary of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais
The certificate provided by CINPROT confirms whether there are any legal cases involving the applicant registered at TJMG, which can be used for electoral purposes.
The planter cartorio managers handle procedural, progression, and parts certificates, as well as act as a lawyer and manage other judicial office certificates.
III – located in the Belo Horizonte District:
The judicial certificate as required by Article 180 of CGJ Provence No. 355, 18 April 2018, can be obtained through the Complementary Certidões Emission Service – SECERT.
The server from the occupying rod informs the Secretariat Manager about other certificates not specified in the previous section.
In other regions, the office of Secretary Manager, or a designated substitute, handles tasks in the absence of the regular occupant.
The criminal background certificate will be provided by the comarca where you are handling the procedure, with the involvement of the designated Secretariat Manager or, if not available, by the secretarial manager of the regional microregion plantation headquarters.
During the forensic break of the TJMG in 2024/2025, the necessary urgency certificates will be provided following specific guidelines.
- Negative verifications must be obtained via the TJMG Portal.
- Certificates needed for electoral purposes or to confirm the existence of legal proceedings will be provided by the Secretariat of the TJMG via the Coordination of Process Information and Protocol (CINPROT).
- Certificates related to legal proceedings, attorney evaluations, and other documents associated with court activities will be accessible through the registry managers working at the TJMG Secretariat.
In rural areas, immediate certificates can be provided by the on-duty Secretary Manager.
If this is absent, the designated regional plantation manager will be held responsible.
The criminal record certificates should be obtained in the region where the relevant case is being handled.
Specific characteristics in the Belo Horizonte district.
- Judicial distribution certificates, which include specific terms, surveys, and procedures for the person at the receiving end, will be provided by the Supplementary Certificate Emission Service (SECERT).
- Other certificates need to be requested from the server of the rod that is responsible for the Secretary Manager position currently held.
Judicial Plant during the Forensic Recess 2024/2025: Initial Stage at TJMG
The Judiciary Plant at the 1st Instance of the TJMG during the Forensic Recess 2024/2025 ensures that critical services continue by handling urgent matters as required by law.
How will the Belo Horizonte district operate during the TJMG 2024/2025 Forensic break?
December 20, 26, and 27, 2024, and January 2, 3, and 6, 2025
Operating bodies, as stipulated in article 17 of Regulation Meeting 1626/2024:
The organs will be operational in the District of Belo Horizonte on specific dates in December 2024 and January 2025.
I – The accounting and treasury department, CONTES, situated in the Lafayette Forum – Raja Gabaglia Unit (1753 Raja Gabaglia Avenue), will be open from 12 to 18 hours to receive all the necessary files and documents.
GEMAN and COJUS, focused on the Lafayette Forum at the Augusto de Lima Unit, will receive all files and documents for their sectors between 12 and 18 hours.
CODIPRO, responsible for managing distribution, authentication, returns, and petition protocols, must maintain servers at the Lafayette Forum – Augusto de Lima Unit from 12 to 18 hours.
Lafayette Forum on Raja Gabaglia Unit (1753 Raja Gabaglia Avenue) is open from 12 to 18 hours.
The Civil Court of Childhood and Youth is located at Rua Jaceguai, number 208 in Prado and is open from 12 to 18 hours.
Specialized Court in Crimes against Children and Adolescents – VECCA is located at 515 Olegary Avenida Maciel, Center, and is open from 12 to 6 p.m.
e) The Integrated Center for Adolescent Assistance in Belo Horizonte – CIA/BH (located at 2300 Afonso Pena Avenue) operates from 7 am to 6 pm; f) The Grants and Absences and Public Registry Stick office (located at 2300 Afonso Pena Avenue) operates from 7 am to 6 pm.
The Central Police Inquiry and CEAC-BH are located at 770 Diamantina Street in Lagoinha. The Central Custody Audiences of Belo Horizonte, CEAC-BH, can also be found at the same address.
The secretaries of judgment, along with a server, must remain closed to the public during the service for the designated server for the planting mentioned in Article 20 of this Joint Office.
The Special Judges of the District of Belo Horizonte, along with cables, farmers, and criminals, as well as the respective Recursal Class, are attended to at the Francisco Sales Unit (located at Avenida Francisco Sales, no 1446, Santa Efigênia) from 9 am to 6 pm.
VII – the Digital Forum of New Sale will take place at 422 Padre Pedro Pinto Street, São Tomaz, from 12 to 18 hours.
The Security Measures Execution Center is located at 229 Goiás Street, Room 203, Center, and is open from 12 to 6 pm.
The text’s paraphrased version: Returns and transactions can be made at the CONTES office in Forum Lafayette – Unit Raja Gabaglia (1753 Raja Gabaglia Avenue), from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Lafayette Forum – Augusto de Lima Unit (Av. Augusto de Lima, no 1234) will be open from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM for GEMAN and COJUS returns.
CODIPRO (Coordination of Distribution, Authentication of Manufactured Products, etc.): Installing servers in the listed units.
- The Lafayette Forum at the Augusto de Lima Unit (17th floor) will be open from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
- Lafayette Forum will be open from noon to 6 p.m.
- The Civil Court for Children and Adolescents is located at 208 Jaceguai Street, Prado, and is open from 12pm to 6pm.
- VECCA is open from noon to 6 pm at Av. Olegário Maciel, no 515, Centro.
- CIA/BH and Public Registry and Inheritance Registry Office (Av. Afonso Pena, no. 2300) are open from 7 am to 6 pm.
- Central of Police Inquiry and CEAC-BH are located at 770 Diamantina Street, Lagoinha.
CEAC-BH (Central of Custody Audiences) is located at 770 Diamantina Street in Lagoinha.
Judgment Secretariats: Providing specialized services solely to the plantation, with no access to the general public.
Special Judges and Recursal Class are located at Unit Francisco Sales on Avenue Francisco Sales, from 9am to 6pm.
Digital marketplace selling new items: Visit us at 422 Padre Pedro Pinto Street, São Tomaz, between 12pm and 6pm.
Safety Measures Execution Centre is located at 229 Goiás Street, Room 203, in the city center, and is open from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Protocol and distribution of important physical documents.
- It is done solely within the property unit that corresponds to the judicial unit assigned to the office (Article 17, §1).
- Barreiro Regional Forum’s office will be located at the Lafayette Forum – Augusto de Lima Unit, 17th floor.
- Custody hours at CEAC-BH are from 8 am to 1 pm, with a double tariff applied (Article 17, §3).
- Adolescent offenders: Juvenile Court operates from 7 AM to 1 PM according to Article 17, Section 2.
December 21-25, 28-31, 2024, and January 01, 04, 05, 2025.
The Judiciary institution is established based on the regulations outlined in Article 18 of Ordinance Meeting 1626/2024.
In Belo Horizonte District, the plantation will operate on specific dates in December 2024 and January 2025 between 6 pm and 8 am the next day.
The service will be held at the Judicial Plantation Center – CEPLAN, situated at Avenida Augusto de Lima, no 1.234, Barro Preto, ground floor. Contact numbers: (31) 3330-2034 or (31) 3330-2392.
Urgent measures that cannot be filed through PJe in the Special Judges of the District of Belo Horizonte and its Recursal Class will be addressed at the Francisco Sales Unit from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
During the evening hours, if an incident occurs, the service will be managed by CEPLAN, responsible for activating the Special Judges team in Belo Horizonte and their respective Recursal Class.
CEPLAN Judicial Plantation Center provides assistance at the Lafayette Forum – Augusto de Lima Unit ground floor, located at 1234 Augusto de Lima Avenue, Barro Preto, from 6 pm to 8 am.
- Contact: (31) 3330-2034 / (31) 3330-2392.
Special Judges and Appeals Category:
- Daycare services are available at Unit Francisco Sales located at 1446 Francisco Sales Avenue from 9am to 6pm.
- Night care is provided by the crew at CEPLAN.
How will the petition be processed in the PJe system during the First Instance Judicial Plant at the TJMG?
The electronic petition in the PJe of the 1st Instance of the TJMG will operate as usual during the Forensic Recess of the TJMG 2024/2025, with action distribution being generally maintained, as outlined in Article 6 of Joint Decree 1626/2024.
Actions in general will be electronically distributed in the PJe system from 7 January 2025 at 18:00 until 8 January 2025 at 8:00.
The handling of cases related to Section 1 of Article 2 of this Joint Ordinance will take place solely within the PJe system’s planting module.
The immediate enforcement actions of the Belo Horizonte Comarca, which will be handled in the PJe of the Juvenile Infringement Court, are being disregarded.
Urgent actions concerning taxes at the state and municipal levels in Belo Horizonte’s eproc system are being implemented.
During this time, the allocation of requests for urgent measures will solely be conducted in the PJe planting module, except for specific circumstances.
- Urgent violation measures in the Belo Horizonte district will be sent and evaluated directly in the PJe system of the Official Court for Children and Youth, without the need for physical documents.
- State and local tax measures in the same area that are urgent will be processed through the eproc system.
Urgent measures in electronic cases submitted before the recess will be reviewed by the appropriate judge until December 19, 2024 (Art. 7 of Joint Decree 1626/2024).
The competent judge will evaluate urgent measures in electronic proceedings submitted before the forensic recession period until December 19, 2024.
If they are not valued by that date, they will be sent to the planting unit through the PJe system (§ 1 of the same article).
Physical documents resulting from diligences need to be handed over to the secretariats by 7 January 2025 for scanning and integration into the electronic system as per Article 6, § 3 of Joint Decree 1626/2024.
All physical documents created as part of any necessary procedures must be handed in to the appropriate department by January 7, 2025. These documents will be digitized and added to the electronic record, following the guidelines outlined in CGJ Provence no 355, 2018, for disposal.
How to request urgent measures when the author lacks CPF or CNPJ?
If the party author lacks a CPF or CNPJ and this could hinder access to justice or lead to rights being lost, the lawyer should submit the petition in person at the court distributor.
The physical request should include a storage device with the complete document contents.
One path will be designated for the electronic protocol, and the other will be linked to the procedure.
The orientation is given in Article 6, Section 4, of Joint Decree 1626/2024 of the TJMG.
In cases where the author of urgent measures lacks registration in the CPF or CNPJ registry, the lawyer must physically submit the necessary documents along with a mirror copy of its content to ensure access to justice and protect rights.

How can I submit a petition in the eproc system for the 1st Instance Judicial Plant of TJMG?
During the Forensic Recess 2024/2025, the request can be accessed in the TJMG eproc system, along with the allocation of cases, as outlined in Article 9 of Joint Decree 1626/2024.
Actions will be electronically distributed in the eproc system from 7 p.m. on December 19, 2024, to 8 a.m. on January 7, 2025.
Urgent measures not reviewed on the day of submission should be sent to the planting unit through eproc, as long as they meet the conditions outlined in the Ordinance (Article 10, §1).
The competent judge will review urgent measures in electronic proceedings submitted before the forensic recess until December 19, 2024.
Urgent measures that are not evaluated on the same day and meet the conditions outlined in this Joint Office must be sent to the planting unit for assessment through the eproc system, while allowing for additional administrative actions under the CGJ.
Emergencies in electronic proceedings before the break will be evaluated by the appropriate judge until 19/12/2024.
Physical documents resulting from the due diligence process should be submitted to the secretariats by 7/01 for digitization and integration into the electronic system as stated in Article 9, Section 2.
All hard copies resulting from completing any tasks must be submitted to the appropriate office by January 7, 2025 for digitization and inclusion in the electronic records, following the guidelines outlined in CGJ Provence no. 355, 2018.
The eproc planting module will exclusively handle urgent accomplishments in state and municipal tax issues of the capital.
Actions and petitions related to Article 2, Section 1 of this Joint Office will be distributed through the eproc system planting module for state and municipal tax deeds in the capital, without the need for physical documentation.
How does the petition function at SEEU during the First Instance Judicial Plant of TJMG?
The urgent measures petitioned in the TJMG SEEU will be reviewed by designated regional courts during the Forensic recess.
This organization is outlined in Article 11 of the Joint Decree 1626/2024, which details the regional division.
Measures of an urgent nature regarding electronic criminal execution processes in the First Degree of jurisdiction processed in the Electronic Unified Execution System – SEEU will be considered in specific regional locations, following certain guidelines.
1st Region: Abaeté, Arcos, Bambuí, Bom Despacho, Campos Altos, Carmo da Mata, Carmo do Cajuru, Carmópolis de Minas, Cláudio, Divinópolis, Dores do Indaiá, Formiga, Guapé, Iguatama, Itapecerica, Itaúna, Itumirim, Lagoa da Prata, La Campos, Luz
Aiuruoca, Alfenas, Alpinópolis, Andradas, Areado, Baependi, Boa Esperança, Bom Sucesso, Borda da Mata, Botelhos, Brasópolis, Bueno Brandão, Cape Verde, Cachoeira de Minas, Caldas, Camanducaia, Cambuí, Campestre, Campos Gerais, Carmo de Minas, Carmo do Rio Claro – Municipalities in the 2nd Region.
Abre Campo, Açucena, Alvinópolis, Barão de Cocais, Cambuquira, Campaign, Campo Belo, Caratinga, Conceição do Rio Verde, Coronel Fabriciano, Divino, Espera Feliz, Ferros, Inhapim, Ipanema, Ipatinga, Itabira, Jequeri, João Monlevade, Lajinha, Manhuacabaçu Mesquita
IV – 4th Region: Paraíba, Alto Rio Doce, Andrelândia, Barbacena, Barroso, Belo Vale, Bicas, Carandaí, Carangola, Cataguases, Congonhas, Councillor Lafaiete, Entre Rios de Minas, Ervália, Eugenópolis, Guarani, Juiz de Fora, Leopoldina, Lima Duarte, Mar de Spain, Matias Barbosa, Merce, Miraí Branco
The 5th Region includes Araguari, Araxá, Campina Verde, Canápolis, Capinópolis, Carmo do Paranaíba, Conceição das Alagoas, Conquista, Coromandel, Estrela do Sul, Frutal, Ibiá, Itapagipe, Ituiutaba, Iturama, Monte Alegre de Minas, Monte Carmelo, Nova Ponte, and Patos de Tiroí.
Arinos, Bocaiuva, Bonfinópolis de Minas, Brasília de Minas, Buenópolis, Buritis, Coração de Jesus, Corinto, Curvelo, Espinosa, Francisco Sá, Grão Mogol, Jaíba, Janaúba, Januária, João Pinheiro, Manga, Montalvânia, Monte Azul, Montes Claros, Paracatu, Porteirinha
7th Region includes Aguas Formosas, Aimorés, Almenara, Araçuaí, Capelinha, Carlos Chagas, Conceição do Mato Dentro, Counselor Pena, Diamantina, Galilee, Governor Valadares, Guanhães, Itamarandiba, Itambacuri, Itanhomi, Jacinto, Jequitinhonha, Mantena, Malachicheta, Medina.
Belo Horizonte, Betim, Bonfim, Brumadinho, Caeté, Contagem, Esmeraldas, Ibirité, Igarapé, Itabirito, Itaguara, Jaboticatubas, Juatuba, Lagoa Santa, Mariana, Mateus Leme, Matozinhos, Nova Lima, Ouro Preto, Ribeirão das Neves, Sabará, Santa Luzia, Sete Lagoas fall under the 8th Region.
The Court of Criminal Executions in the Belo Horizonte District will be responsible for implementing the decisions and measures specified in the regionalized judiciary plan of SEEU on specific days.
Compliance with the decisions and procedures specified in the regionalized SEEU plantation on specific dates in December 2024 and January 2025 will be overseen by the staff server of the Court of Criminal Executions of the Belo Horizonte District in accordance with the resolution of the TJMG Special Organ on June 29, 2020.
Judicial Plant during the Forensic Recess 2024/2025: Second Instance of TJMG
The TJMG 2nd Instance Judiciary Plant during the Forensic Recess 2024/2025 ensures that essential services are provided and urgent matters are addressed in compliance with legal regulations.
What modifications are scheduled for the services of the 2nd Instance of the TJMG during the judicial break of 2024/2025?
Certain services related to the 2nd Instance of TJMG will undergo changes on specific dates in December 2024 and January 2025.
Examine the content of Article 15 in Joint Decree 1626/2024 to learn more about it.
On December 20, 26, 27, 2024, and January 2, 3, 6, 2025.
The protocol services will receive urgent documents between 8 AM and 6 PM and send them to the relevant departments and executive offices.
CODIPRE will allocate the hours between 8 AM and 6 PM on December 20, 26, 27, 2024, and January 2, 3, and 6, 2025.
The Secretariat of the TJMG will continue to be closed to the general public, functioning solely for internal tasks and to assist the designated server for the planting specified in Article 20 of this Joint Office.
The internal plantation in the TJMG Secretariat may take place between 7 am and 8 pm, depending on the chief’s discretion and administrative convenience.
In the TJMG Secretariat, executive directors, secretaries, and advisors with managerial roles will choose the units working onsite during the shift, and may allow administrative staff to work remotely.
How will the petition be processed in the PJe and eproc systems during the Second Instance Judicial Plant of the TJMG?
The request at the 2nd-grade judiciary plantation in TJMG during the court recess will be conducted solely through electronic methods, utilizing the JPe and eproc systems.
As per Article 14 of the Joint Decree 1626/2024, which establishes the guidelines for processing in the 2nd Instance:
During the period from 20 December 2024 to 6 January 2025, urgent measures as outlined in the relevant sections of the Joint Ordinance must be submitted electronically through the designated systems.
The original rapporteur will evaluate the urgent measures awaiting assessment in the cases presented before the recess period.
Paragraph 2 will be sent to landlords who plant crops, containing all urgent actions submitted in the JPe and eproc systems, with the lawyer’s assessment indicated on the planting schedule.
The original rapporteur will review the urgent proceedings that were initiated before the recess and are still unresolved, in accordance with Article 14, §1.
Paragraph 2 of the article mentions that all urgent requests submitted in the JPe and eproc systems and flagged by the lawyer for review during the plantation will be directed to the planter landings.
How will the absence of the TJMG system be managed during the Forensic Recess 2024/2025 in the 2nd-grade plantation?
Urgent actions can be sent via email in PDF format with evidence of system unavailability if JPe or eproc systems are not working.
During the specified periods of unavailability, as stated in Article 14, § 3 of Joint Decree 1626/2024.
- Send the email to the planting station between December 21st and 31st, 2024, as well as on January 1st, 4th, and 5th, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- On the dates of 20, 26, and 27/12/2024, and 02, 03, and 06/01/2025 (8 am to 6 pm), please email [email protected] (Process Information and Protocol Coordination).
In case the JPe system or the eproc system is not working, urgent measures can be submitted in “PDF” format along with evidence of the system’s unavailability.
I will be available via email at the planting station on specific dates and times in December 2024 and January 2025 from 8 am to 6 pm.
On December 20, 26, 27, 2024, and January 2, 3, 6, 2025, from 8 am to 6 pm, the email for the Coordination of Process Information and Protocol is [email protected].
The judiciary’s role in the Forensic Recess of TJMG.
The TJMG 2024/2025 forensic break is a temporary halt to normal court operations, with essential services continuing under the judicial plantation system.
Measures are put in place during this time to handle pressing matters like cases concerning incarcerated defendants, protective actions, and custody hearings.
Procedural deadlines are paused, offering legal assurance to Law practitioners, while electronic filing and issuing of urgent certificates operate in accordance with the specified rules in Joint Decree no 1626/2024.
TJMG arranges its planting system in both the 1st and 2nd Instance, with a focus on the Belo Horizonte district, providing a breakdown of activities across various places and schedules.
The arrangement of the break demonstrates a dedication to maintaining judicial services for important cases, providing a blend of institutional rest and legal effectiveness for professionals in the field.
Article on Labor Forensic Recess (CLT): Immediate actions and labor procedural time limits
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