Food revision with reduction model.

It is essential to create a challenge to the revisional action of food reduction requests to guarantee a strong and efficient defense.

We create a comprehensive model to streamline this process, offering a thorough and well-founded answer to legal requests.

The Legal AI team focused on developing a thorough model for food review challenges to offer a fast and precise solution for this part of the conflict.

If you want to defend your customers’ rights and interests during alimony reviews with effectiveness and technical expertise, we are prepared to assist you in this procedure. Explore this opportunity!

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Model for revising quotations with pension reductions

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Quotation directed towards the situation in [Case Number]

[Food Name], who is registered under the [CPF], a minor represented by [Representative Name], [Nationality], [Civil State], [Profession], enrolled in the CPF under [CPF] with the email address [ELETRONIC DERETION], residing at [SEREO DOMICLIO office] 77, incise V of the CPC, respectfully appears before you in accordance with Article 335 of the same Code.


Revisional Action with Reduction of Alien Pension is being considered for [Process Number] initiated by [AUTHOME], a [NACIONALITY], [CIVIL STATE], [PROFESSION/AREA OF ATUATION] individual, holder of RG [RGEN], enrolled under CPF/CNPJ, with email address [DEREORE].


According to Article 335 of the New CPC, the dispute can last for a maximum of 15 working days after the initial deadline, and this action was completed swiftly, being submitted on the day of the protocol.

Initial Petition summarized briefly

The author, working under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), is seeking to decrease the 30% of their income currently allocated for child support due to a sudden and significant decrease in wages. This change is necessary to maintain their own financial stability and cover essential expenses.

The author argues that, while not failing to meet the food obligation, sticking to the set percentage significantly undermines dignity and survival. Additionally, it points out that the minor’s parent is currently in a better financial situation, which should factor into assessing the balance between needs and possibilities to prevent an imbalance in parental duties. The author also requests access to Free Justice benefits, citing a lack of financial means to cover legal expenses without impacting their livelihood.

The current challenge seeks to counter the author’s arguments by highlighting the actual facts, particularly concerning the examination of the necessity-possibility contrast and the proportionality of the food requirement. It aims to show that the author’s arguments do not have sufficient grounds to support the proposed reduction, and emphasizes that the food obligation should be evaluated based on the minor’s best interests, as they are the ultimate beneficiaries of the food provision.

It is a concise summary of what is needed.

The Merit

Insufficient evidence is available to support providing free legal services.

Article 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure states that Free Justice can only be given to individuals who can prove their lack of financial resources to cover legal expenses while maintaining their livelihood. Simply showing a decrease in wages, as demonstrated in this case, is not sufficient evidence of financial hardship.

The author is meeting the food obligation, set at 30% of their net income, and there is no evidence of default in other essential expenses. This shows that they have the financial ability to fulfill more significant commitments, contradicting the claim of complete economic incapacity. The consistent fulfillment of the food obligation, despite a supposed decrease in wages, supports the argument that their financial situation is not dire enough to warrant the desired benefit.

The lack of concrete evidence of the author’s financial incapacity, along with the fact that he is up to date with his main responsibilities, shows that his claim for justice lacks credibility. Trying to obtain this benefit without fulfilling the necessary legal conditions goes against the established rules and should be denied to maintain procedural fairness and proper compliance with the law.

The lack of significant and unexpected fluctuations in financial capability

Article 1.699 of the Civil Code requires proof of a significant change in financial circumstances for alimony revision, which has not been adequately demonstrated by the author in this case.

The decrease in wages does not justify changing the fixed percentage as the author still met their food obligation despite the income reduction.

The request for a review is founded on general assertions of financial challenges, without clear and definitive proof that their survival and dignity are at stake.

The procedural good faith principle, as stated in Article 5 of the Civil Procedure Code, mandates that parties provide specific, factual evidence to support their claims. However, the author has only submitted pay stubs showing a salary decrease, without demonstrating how this reduction affects their ability to fulfill food obligations or jeopardizes their basic needs.

There is no solid proof showing that it is impossible to sustain the existing pension without harming your essential requirements. The lack of convincing evidence of the claimed financial instability hinders the approval of your petitions.

The food obligation should be considered based on what is best for the child who receives the food. The author’s argument for reducing the fixed percentage overlooks the importance of maintaining conditions that support the child’s development and well-being, which should not be compromised by minor and foreseeable changes.

The proposed request does not seem reasonable as there is no significant change in the author’s economic situation that justifies altering the alimony, and there is no evidence of any real impact on their subsistence or dignity.

The Genitora’s financial status is not important for one-sided evaluation.

Article 1.694 of the Civil Code requires that both parents contribute to the child’s support based on their financial capabilities, without allowing unilateral changes to alimony or disproportionate transfer of the support burden without proof of significant changes in circumstances.

The author’s argument for revising the alimony amount is mainly based on a claimed wage reduction, but lacks strong evidence to show that this change affects their ability to provide food. Even though the author’s pay stubs indicate a decrease in income, this alone is not enough to justify lowering the alimony by 30%. It is important to note that the author is still employed under the Labor Laws and continues to have a steady income, indicating the ability to meet the obligation.

The argument to increase the financial responsibility of the minor’s son-in-law due to his better economic situation is not supported by evidence. There is no concrete evidence provided to show a significant change in the parent’s financial situation justifying a redistribution of the financial burden.

The child, who is the ultimate beneficiary of the child support, should have all his needs adequately provided for. It is unacceptable for the provider to attempt to lower their contribution based on speculation about the other parent’s financial situation.

The author’s revision request lacks evidence and goes against family solidarity by trying to shift the child’s financial responsibility solely to the parents. It is crucial to maintain the fixed percentage to meet the minor’s needs as per constitutional and legal principles. Therefore, the author’s arguments are insufficient to decrease the alimony.

The Absence of Necessary Conditions for Granting Early Tutela

Early protection under Article 300 of the Civil Procedure Code necessitates both the likelihood of the right and the threat of harm to the process’s beneficial outcome. In this instance, the petitioner failed to show the likelihood of the right supporting his alimony review claim.

Making a financial commitment without providing tangible evidence of its sustainability does not fulfill the legal standard of likelihood of success.

The author continues to fulfill the food obligation mentioned in the initial petition, and there is no evidence of inadmissibility or imminent harm that warrants the urgency of the requested action. By not being in default, it shows that meeting the obligation has not prevented the author from meeting basic needs so far. Therefore, the risk of irreparable harm or difficult repair is not present, as the author has not clearly shown that their current financial situation affects their dignity or ability to fulfill other responsibilities.

The author’s arguments do not have sufficient legal and evidential backing to fulfill the necessary legal criteria for obtaining early protection. Without specific evidence showing the likelihood of the right and potential harm, the request can be deemed baseless and should be declined to uphold procedural legality and fairness.

The lack of convincing evidence for changes in the essential binary relationship.

Article 1.699 of the Civil Code specifies that a review of food obligations is only warranted when there is a significant change in the financial circumstances of those involved. In this case, the author failed to adequately prove that their ability to contribute had decreased enough to justify a revision. Although they provided pay stubs showing a salary reduction, this evidence alone is insufficient to establish a substantial change in financial circumstances. Additionally, the fact that the author continues to fulfill their food obligation indicates that their livelihood is not solely dependent on this obligation.

The author failed to provide specific evidence showing that keeping the current percentage of alimony affects their basic needs or leads to poverty. Simply claiming financial difficulty is not sufficient justification for changing the alimony amount, especially when other essential expenses have not been proven to be unaffordable.

A decrease in income does not necessarily indicate a significant change in ability to contribute and should be considered in relation to the ongoing needs of the child, which should take precedence as per legal regulations.

The author’s request to lower alimony should be denied because there has been no significant change in their financial circumstances to warrant a reduction. Without clear evidence of inability to meet the existing obligation, it is essential to prioritize the best interest of the child and uphold the current alimony amount as per legal regulations.


Based on the information provided and the documents utilized, the current objection is to seek the following requests.

  1. The author’s requests are completely rejected while keeping the current food prices as they are.
  1. The author was ordered to pay the legal fees of the subcommittee.
  1. The presentation of any evidence allowed by the law, as needed.

Ask for respect using these words.


Lawyer/Bar Association

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Use legal AI for instant reduction of complete parts.

In a revisional action for food returns with a pension reduction request, a strategic approach is necessary to show that there are no reasons to change the previously determined amount.

It is crucial to demonstrate that there has been no significant change in the financial capability of the provider that warrants a review, and that the feeding requirements are either the same or have even increased.

The disagreement should rely on pertinent written evidence and legal decisions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the pension as it is now.

Legal AI is a convenient option for legal professionals looking for speed and effectiveness in creating legal documents.

Our AI is ideal for legal professionals, enabling the creation of contracts, petitions, notifications, and opinions efficiently, accurately, and with current information.

Here are the key advantages of utilizing our artificial intelligence for attorneys:

  • Reduce the time needed to create procedural components by using a tool that produces well-structured minutes efficiently.
  • Artificial intelligence tailors the writing to suit the specific context, guaranteeing a coherent and tailored argument to meet specific requirements.
  • The platform stays up-to-date with the latest legal rulings and legislative updates to ensure that your documents comply with current laws.
  • By automating the production of parts, you free up more time to focus on strategy and customer service.

Creating a challenge in a review process involving a pension cut using legal artificial intelligence, explained in a detailed manner.

Generating a legal document for pension reduction in Legal AI through a quotation in a revisional action is a quick and easy process. Simply complete the form with the necessary information to receive your document within minutes.

Access the Legal AI website and sign up for an account if you are new. If you already have an account, log in with your existing credentials.

Tela de login na plataforma Jurídico AI
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Select the “Write a Quote” option after logging in to begin creating the document.

selecione a opção "escreva sua contestação"
Imagem: astrovariable/ShutterStock

Provide the key details of the procedure, including the action number, author and defendant details, and the court handling the case.

Include the necessary details of the competition, such as:

  • Procedural matters that may impact the advancement of the process.
  • The author’s request for a pension review is summarized, outlining the rationale behind it.
  • Defense reasons include arguing against the possibility or appropriateness of reducing pensions using documents and evidence.
  • Attached documents are required to demonstrate financial capacity and need for feeding.
  • Requesting the Judge to deny the application for a pension reduction.
Formulário para preenchimento de informações.
Imagem: Chakkree_Chantakad/Pexels
Formulário para preenchimento de informações.
Imagem: timmossholder/Flickr

Review the created arguments in step 5, adjust as needed, and choose the appropriate references on the platform to ensure your presentation is well-organized before finalizing it.

Revise as teses geradas.
Imagem: timmossholder/ShutterStock

Click the “Generate Document” button.

Tela com botão de gerar documento
Imagem: xsix/ShutterStock

Step 6: The revisional action with pension reduction contested through artificial intelligence is completed and prepared for submission.

Contestação em Ação Revisional com Redução de Pensão feita por inteligência artificial está finalizad.
Imagem: stephmcblack/Flickr

For Legal AI technology to effectively handle a comprehensive piece of law, it’s crucial to offer thorough details about the case, particularly the facts leading up to the judgment.

By inputting the information accurately and clearly, you can ensure that your AI-generated task is personalized and legally more precise and efficient!

Visit our tutorial in the question center as well!

What benefits does our AI offer for legal professionals?

  • Decreases the drafting time of procedural sections by providing a solution that generates well-structured minutes quickly.
  • Our artificial intelligence customizes the writing based on the specific requirements of the task, ensuring a strong argumentation.
  • The platform is up to date with recent legal decisions and important legislative changes, guaranteeing that your components adhere to current legal norms.
  • By automating the creation of legal documents, you can concentrate on case strategy and customer service, a strategy known as Strategic Time Leveraging.